The Best Sourdough English Muffins

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These tangy Sourdough English Muffins are a true classic sourdough. These gems are light, fluffy, and chewy. Perfect for breakfast!

Sourdough English Muffins

I’ll never forget the first time I ate my first English muffin. I was about 11 years old. I had stayed the night at a friend’s house. This girl kept going on and on about how her mother would always make amazing English muffins in the toaster oven for breakfast. Here I was clueless. I had no idea what a toaster oven or even what English muffins were! I was pretty sure it was food for old people. She did not relent. She proceeded to show me how her mother would toast them in the oven to perfection. Then handed me my first bite slathered with butter. It was crispy and chewy. It tasted like nothing I had ever had before.

I was hooked! As soon as I went home, I requested for my mother to add English muffins to the grocery list. Unfortunately, it did not become a staple in my parent’s home. They did not feel the same about my new found love of English muffins. Regardless, I still reminisce about that first bite.

So here I am today, almost 30 years later, making my own English muffins. This time using the incredible powers of sourdough starter. Unlike some recipes out there, this recipe contains no commercial yeast. It is not a Sourdough Discard Recipe. It is a pure and true long fermented Sourdough English Muffins recipe .

Might I add, that this recipe is also vegan? …..Of course, if you are partial to butter you can easily change it up.



Sourdough Starter: is the main player here. You can find out more about how to make a sourdough starter here and the myths and benefits of sourdough here.

I can not get over how much I love that tangy sourdough taste. It is addicting! As matter of a fact, I ate these sourdough English muffins up like they were candy!

Water: I use plain old tap water. If your water is chlorinated or has a distinctive taste consider distilled water.

Shortening: I used Crisco. You can substitute with your choice of butter if you like.


Whole Milk: I used store bought but fresh raw milk would be even better.

Flour: All-purpose or Bread flour. Remember do not use BLEACHED FLOUR! … I already learned the hard way on that one! 😉

Corn Flour: For dusting the Sourdough English Muffins. Corn flour is an English Muffin staple, don’t skip it.

Step by Step Instructions with photos :

*Remember to make sure that your starter is fed.*

First things first! Feed your starter and have it ready to go! This recipe requires 50 grams of sourdough starter. Be sure to add 25 grams of flour and 25 grams of water to your starter and wait for it to peak. This will need to be around 4-12 hours before making your Sourdough English Muffins dough.

While we are at it, I want to point out this is not a quick recipe. Sourdough is more of a marathon than a race. If you want quick, use a discard recipe or one that has commercial yeast added to it. Unfortunately, they will not be true sourdough just FYI.

Once the sourdough starter is ready to go:

Place milk and sugar into a small saucepan. Heat the pan until it boils and then remove it from the heat. Make sure you keep a watchful eye on this part of the process. Milk can burn very quickly.

Milk and sugar boiling in sauce pan

Stir in the shortening into the sugar and milk mixture. The mixture should help melt the shortening. You want to make sure the shortening is fully melted. Then set this mixture aside. Let the mixture cool down prior to moving on to the next step. You do not want your yeast to meet an early death.

Add the water and yeast to the milk mixture. Mix until the mixture is fully blended. You can now add your salt to the liquid mix. I prefer to add my salt to the liquid. This ensures that the salt is equally distributed throughout the sourdough.

Yeast and water in mixing bowl

Create the Sourdough :

Now is the time for the flour. Add 3 cups of flour to a large mixing bowl. Make a well in the center of the flour. Pour the wet ingredients into the well. Start mixing the wet and dry ingredients until the flour is completely moist. The dough should be a shaggy texture at this point. Do not worry if it is a little dry right now. Cover with plastic wrap. I prefer plastic wrap during this stage as it keeps the moisture in. Wait 30 minutes before moving to the next step.

Shaggy Dough

Now you need to perform a quick kneading of the dough. Just enough to turn the dough into a ball. The dough will now feel like smooth play dough. Re-cover the dough and set aside to ferment for the next 12 hours.

Sourdough english muffins dough ball

During this time the dough will rise, stretch, and relax. I performed 2 sets of stretch and folds during the fermentation phase.

After the fermentation phase is complete, place the dough in the refrigerator for the next several hours. The dough will keep for about 3 days. The sourdough flavor will develop the longer it stays in the refrigerator. *You can skip this step but I would not recommend it.

Sourdough english muffins dough doubled and fully fermented

Don’t be fooled into thinking the refrigeration period is the fermentation time. Yeast is active at room temperature. They need the room temperature fermentation time to actually leaven the dough. Do not skip the long room temperature ferment time!

Time to form the Sourdough English Muffins

Once the dough is fully fermented and ready to go, sprinkle your countertop with corn flour. Roll out your dough until the thickness comes up to the first knuckle of your pointer finger.

As a side note, this is where I messed up! I made the dough too thin and then tried to correct myself. Once the dough is rolled out it is hard to mash it back together.

Now take a cookie cutter or in my case, a mason jar lid and cut those babies out. Be sure that each side has corn flour on it. Then let them sit for another hour! Give them some time to re-rise and become soft before cooking them.

mason jar top cutting sourdough english muffins rolled out dough

Get to frying!

Set your frying pan to medium heat and add oil. Place your newly cut sourdough English muffins in the pan to fry for 3-5 minutes on each side. Flip when the side is browned. Once they are fried up set aside to cool. Then slice it open using a fork! Just trust me on this one.

Sourdough English Muffins frying in pan


Can I put these in the refrigerator earlier?: You will want to wait until the sourdough has risen until you place it in the refrigerator. The wild yeast and bacteria will slow and become dormant in the cold. Meaning the dough will not rise.

How do I know that the sourdough is fermented?: When the dough becomes approximately double in size. This can happen much sooner than 12 hours if you have a very active starter. Keep an eye on your dough.

Do I have to put the dough in the refrigerator for the cold ferment?: This is a step meant for flavor development more than anything. You can definitely skip this step. Especially, if you want to ferment the dough overnight and make the Sourdough English Muffins first thing the next morning.

Sourdough Egg muffin

I love to turn my Sourdough English Muffins into egg muffin sandwiches. What is your favorite way to eat your Sourdough English Muffins? Comment with your answer below!

Check out these other Sourdough recipes and tips:

Sourdough DIscard Pancakes

What is Sourdough Discard?

Sourdough Starter

Sourdough Benefits: Unravel the truth and the myth’s

Sourdough English muffins on a plate
Yield: 12

Sourdough English Muffins

Prep Time: 1 day
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

These tangy Sourdough English Muffins are a true classic sourdough. These gems are light, fluffy, and chewy. Perfect for breakfast!


  • 3 cups of all purpose flour ( unbleached)
  • 1/2 cup of whole milk
  • 1 Tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of shortening
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 50 grams of Sourdough Starter
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • *corn flour for dusting


  1. Place milk and sugar into a small sauce pan. Set stove top to high heat. Heat milk until boiling. Remove milk from stove immediately.
  2. Add shortening to milk mixture. Blend until shortening is completely melted. Set aside and let mixture cool.
  3. Once mixture is cooled, add sourdough starter and water. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Mix in salt to milk, water, sourdough starter, sugar mixture.
  5. In a large bowl measure out 3 cups of flour and create a well in the center of it. Add wet ingredients.
  6. Mix dough together. This should create a dry shaggy dough.
  7. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside for 30 minutes. The dough will hydrate during this time.
  8. Quickly knead dough mixture until it becomes a texture of playdough. Smooth and sticks together. The dough may still seem a little dry at this point. Recover with plastic wrap.
  9. Wait for dough to ferment for 12 hours. You may do a series of stretch and folds 1-2 times during this process.
  10. At the end of the 12 hours place dough in refrigerator until the next day.
  11. After the refrigeration period. Sprinkle counter with corn flour. Roll out dough. Make sure the dough is not rolled too thin. Dough height should come to approximately the first knuckle of pointer finger.
  12. Cut out round circles from dough.
  13. Set engish muffins aside aside for an hour to let dough rise.
  14. Once fully risen, add oil to frying pan. Heat on medium. Place english muffins on pan for approximately 3-5 minutes per side. Flip when browned. Split them with a fork.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 205Total Fat: 5gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 3mgSodium: 94mgCarbohydrates: 34gFiber: 2gSugar: 2gProtein: 4g

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