Hi Friends!
My name is Amber. I’m a nurse and a homeschooling mother of 3. I was raised on a 40 acre farm in Michigan. Growing up we had horses, turkeys, chickens and more! I drank real apple cider and ate fresh Amish bread. My mother taught me about natural holistic healing. While my father instilled in me the love of nature and the world around us. While I no longer live on the farm, I attempt to recreate that experience for my own family on our 1/2 acre lot in the country. On this blog site you can follow along with me on my journey. I will share tips on Natural Holistic Living, Homemaking, Homesteading, and Homeschooling.
My mission is to help others to lead healthier and happier lives.
I believe that health is WHOLISTIC. Meaning that health is more than sickness. Health is about the whole person and their environment. To be a healthy person, we need a healthy planet, healthy community, healthy home, and a healthy family. Everything is connected.
Optimum health for some may mean just getting a quick meal on the table and reducing stress. For others it means, eating the best organic vegetables and meat, drinking grass fed milk, and reducing environmental toxins. Health is wholistic and on a spectrum. I’m here to help no matter where you are at in your journey. Follow along and feel free to ask questions. I’m here for you!